“Your individual Adjusters work to spiritize you in the hope of eternalizing your temporal identity.” [UB, 107:6.2]
Teacher: “Your planetary life set you on a course of self-understanding. The initial questions are: Why am I alive? What is the purpose of my life? Who am I?
You are born into a mysterious world and spend your first years exploring your outer world. Your innate curiosity leads you to ask your caregivers many relevant questions, and they do their best to enlighten your mind with their hard-earned knowledge and experience.
Then comes the investigation of your inner world—the “Who am I?” enigma. What makes it even more puzzling is that you have been subconsciously conditioned by your ancestry, family dynamics, and environment.
Many define their identity by answering generic questions such as date and place of birth, race, gender, education, religion, professional activity, political affiliations, and likes and dislikes. Yet, core identity goes much deeper, and finding it requires that you start searching for it, diving deep within to get to your essence—a unique being in quest of self-realization and self-mastery. The prefix ‘self’ goes to the core of your life purpose. It is YOUR decision-making.
Procrastination will never get you closer to your destination nor will projecting your shortcomings on others.
Thankfully, you have been blessed from on high with a loyal, all-knowing, all-loving indwelling divine Partner who knows your still-secret identity and, upon your asking, will help you debunk any wrong ideas you may be entertaining about yourself—your erroneous self-image.
Beliefs are just that. They are relative and need to be challenged to be validated or invalidated. Your inner Presence will help sift through their elements and help you realize which ones stand in the way of your beautiful self-expression.”