The Inner Sherpa



“When you forgive your brother in the flesh, you thereby create the capacity in your own soul for the reception of the reality of God’s forgiveness of your own misdeeds.” [UB 1861:05]

Christ Michael/Jesus: “Dear child, you are asking Me to expand on the topic of forgiveness. Yes, indeed, it is of primordial importance for the children of the earth to gain a deeper understanding about the cleansing and forward propelling power of Forgiveness. I intentionally put a capital “F” at the beginning of that word as Forgiveness with “F” is true forgiveness.

“Many of my children think that they have forgiven others for their real or perceived infractions. Yet, in time of renewed turmoil in their mutual relationship, they regurgitate all the undigested emotions. To Forgive means to let go 100% of any grudges, resentment and bitterness.

“There is no such thing as partial forgiveness as there is no such thing as a gift with strings attached. Forgiveness is the passport to a world settled in Light and Life. Grudges and such are pollutants in the spiritual atmosphere of the planet. They have to be dispelled in order to allow human hearts to be opened to God’s love.

“The lower emotions of resentment and un-forgiveness are unhealthy trapped emotions. They take precious space in your heart and you could say that they litter the pristine real estate of your heart.

“Your heart is your inner sanctum. It is your connection to the Divine. It is your temple. As long as it is being used as a recycling bin for hard feelings, and grudges, it is eating at itself. You could also compare it to the reduced lung capacity of a smoker. The more he fills his lungs with potentially lethal fumes, the more he endangers his breathing capacity.

“A heart filled with grudges becomes hardened as a stone. Grudges keep you focused on the incidents which generated them and your mind is constantly replaying that tape. Forgiving is successfully erasing these unwelcome memories and by doing so, it liberates your heart space to allow more love to flow through it.

“What is in your highest good? Obviously it is to become a better recipient and channel of the Love Substance. You currently witness on your world that hearts filled with hate exert an abominable influence on the lives of many. They have been filled to the brim with grudges—generational and personal—and such a mix is highly volatile and results eventually in a rampage of destruction—on the inner and on the outer as well.

“Un-forgiveness is a soul cancer and Forgiveness is the antidote. It truly sets you free. This is the reason why I lived by that principle. I did not allow myself to contaminate my Divine Temple with the foreign bodies of negative emotions. I stayed aware at all times so as to ward off any such invaders.

“My physical body was put to death by the powers of hate, but I resurrected through the power of unconditional love and forgiveness. It is not an easy thing to do and many of you struggle with that issue. Your ego would prefer that those who caused you grief come to you contrite so that you can display your magnanimity. Yet, true forgiveness is a state of mind. The Father forgives us even before we ask for His forgiveness. He understands that your offenses are due to ignorance and/or faulty programming. He makes many allowances for you and truly loves you. Where there is Love, there is Forgiveness.

“Treat others as you want to be treated definitely applies to Forgiveness. As you are forgiven, you come to taste the soul liberation which results from that. Wouldn’t you wish the same for others? By granting them your forgiveness, you become their Liberator and you liberate yourself in the process—a win-win scenario.

“Bottom line, as you expand your ability to forgive and to let go, you expand your ability to love and to nurture. Call upon Me whenever you need assistance in that process. I will shift your perspective about your siblings and zoom on their good attributes. Practice gratitude toward them and soon enough any dark spots will be overwhelmed by the light shed on them by your forgiveness.”

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