Thought Adjuster: “Dear child, You were reading this morning in The Urantia Book about the Seven Master Spirits at the head of each of the Super Universe. They each represent a unique combination of the characters of the Father, the Son and the Spirit.
“Master Spirit Number Seven is the one at the head of the Super Universe of Orvington, the Super Universe you live in. He is the combined manifestation of the Father, the Son and the Spirit, a personalization of their Trinity and a direct influence in the lives of the creatures of the 7th Super Universe.
“How amazing it is that the Father, the Son and the Infinite Spirit chose to bestow themselves in so many different ways on each one of the Super Universes! The combinations of personalities issued from these basic combinations are endless. This speaks for the mind blowing potential of the entire creation and for the infinite creative imagination behind the whole process.
“Take an instant to reflect about the creative power of imagination. It takes place in an invisible realm--the realm of Spirit. In your life, it takes place within your own spirit which is connected with multiple spiritual influences. Those influences are reflected in what is the fruit of your imagination. Do you put your imagination to the highest use? Or do you use it only to satisfy narrow minded desires?
“Think Big, Think bigger! There is no limit to your imagination as it has the same DNA as the Divine Imagination. The Father shares with His children His creative powers by endowing them with a powerful imagination, an amazing individual resource. Imagination is one of the conduits of Divine Guidance. The sky is not even the limit! Do not allow boredom to sneak into your life as it deprives you of your imaginative drive and makes you settle for a life which is not lived to the fullest.
“Boredom is never part of the Master Plan. Whenever you feel bored, ask yourself how you got to that place. Sometimes, you many need a period of rest and regrouping before you jump into renewed action. Sometimes boredom reflects to you that you are not activating your exciting potentials. Being creative is an antidote to boredom as the creative juices are flooding one’s being and bring much excitement and personal satisfaction into one’s life. You were created to be co-creators and whoever does not take advantage of that co-creatorship does not experience the same inner fulfillment and growth as those who actively co-create with their lives.”