The Inner Sherpa



Teacher: “Dear child, you were just pondering the fact that the Father in Paradise – the First Source and Center—delegates to His offspring a multitude of tasks they have been equipped to fulfill. Yet, due to the free will unpredictability, there arise situations when the first attempt fails in leading that task to a satisfactory outcome. This is the reason why the Father has also multiple reserve corps.

“Whenever a task remains to be done, there is a chain of command in the delegation of that task to the being the most likely to succeed. Therefore, becoming aware of your life task is a great blessing as it removes from your eyes the blindfold which was keeping you in the dark as to your optimal life objective.

“The Father also approves of any association that promotes the success of His enterprises. This is the reason why each level of creatures will eventually learn to get to know other species which are very different from their own. This is part of the amazing process of group associations. Whenever you build a home, you hire concrete workers, plumbers, electricians, etc. Each one of them will follow the logical timing involved in the building process. The electricians will come after the frame of the house has been completed.

“Your Master Jesus kept stressing the fact that “His time had not come.” He knew the perfection of the Divine Timing and patiently –and yet actively- waited to get the green light for His public ministry. The Father individually trains His children and provides them with the needed curriculum so that they can –in due timing—step into their own and make the difference in the world that they have been intended to make through their individuality.

“Time is precious—whether it is spent studying for the next life test, or whether it is spent in the trenches of life. Be in the moment so that you can intuitively know how to put your allotted time to good use.”

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