Thought Adjuster: “Dear child, let us talk about Divine Input. You were just reading that Divine Input has to travel through various layers of the human consciousness. It has to make its way from the Superconscious mind to the subconscious mind in order to finally seep to the conscious mind.
“The Superconscious mind is the level of the finest vibrations and the conscious mind has the densest ones. Therefore, much can get ‘lost in translation’ as the human mind is still very rudimentary compared to the expansions it will experience in its ascension process – the process through which it steadily elevates its vibrations. The trickling down of Spirit could be compared to the condensation of air particles into the much denser water particles.
“Spirit has to come down in order to meet man at his current level of development. It takes a concerted effort between the human and the divine as it has been depicted so beautifully in Michael Angelo’s painting of God and man reaching out to one another by outstretching their arms.
“When you want to receive Divine Guidance, you have to express your readiness and willingness to do so. You have to send out the invitation and patiently wait for the Guest to arrive in your conditioned mental space. You have to be receptive, i.e. present-minded as any absent-mindedness could be compared to being away from home when the guest arrives – to being a no-show.
“You do not know when the Guest will finally arrive as you do not know the distance that has to be covered. What matters is that you establish a daily routine of being present and of turning your porch light on, so to speak, to welcome your special Guest. You can notify your Guest that you will always be home between such and such hours — the time of your Stillness practice.
“Simultaneously, it will teach you inner discipline; it will teach you to access the Stillness more and more easily. All you have to do is to commit to do it and to faithfully follow through — thus demonstrating that you mean it, that you are fully invested in heart, soul and mind. What a powerful pledge of allegiance it would be that would unfailingly move the Divine to drop in unannounced and yet ardently awaited.”