Thought Adjuster:
Message received by Anyas
Thought Adjuster: “Jesus felt much empathy toward the suffering endured by his imprisoned cousin, John the Baptist. His divine capacity gave him the option to rescue John by intervening with extraordinary powers. However, being unclear about the divine will in this matter, he reined in his compassionate impulse.
Many life situations leave you baffled. You desire to make the right decision, but the state of current affairs has not sufficiently ripened to let you draw the correct conclusions. Do not make rash decisions when under the fidgety influence of impatience, as it robs you of the peace of mind that is a prerequisite for clarity of thinking.
Impetuosity needs to be toned down if it threatens to gag the voice of reason. Remain on standby until more crucial facts come to your attention, as they will turn out to be game-changers. Also, train your ego to bow down to the combined leadings of truth, beauty, and goodness—ever willing to alter its shaky opinions in light of new disclosures compatible with the highest good.
Truth is unifying—something that lies and deception are unfit to do since they conspire to engineer a make-believe reality that clashes with ‘what is.’ Those who shape their lives around such intellectual fallacies waste much time and resources “Jesus felt much empathy toward the suffering endured by his imprisoned cousin, John the Baptist. His divine capacity gave him the option to rescue John by intervening with extraordinary powers. However, being unclear about the divine will in this matter, he reined in his compassionate impulse.
Many life situations leave you baffled. You desire to make the right decision, but the state of current affairs has not sufficiently ripened to let you draw the correct conclusions. Do not make rash decisions when under the fidgety influence of impatience, as it robs you of the peace of mind that is a prerequisite for clarity of thinking.
Impetuosity needs to be toned down if it threatens to gag the voice of reason. Remain on standby until more crucial facts come to your attention, as they will turn out to be game-changers. Also, train your ego to bow down to the combined leadings of truth, beauty, and goodness—ever willing to alter shaky opinions in light of new disclosures compatible with the highest good.
Truth is unifying—something that lies and deception are unfit to do since they engineer a make-believe reality that clashes with ‘what is.’ Those who construct their reality around such intellectual fallacies waste much time and resources to incorporate forcefully—but not logically—into their interpretative script any uncontestable facts. Thus doing, they obtain a distorted picture that leads them to make faulty decisions.
Jesus was patient. In his public ministry, he always asked his indwelling divine Fragment to bring all critical elements to his keen attention before taking commendable action, as dictated by his long-range spiritual vision that promoted the overall highest good.
He had more latitude in his private ministry, and his tender heart was often spontaneously moved to cater to urgent individual needs, something he could not do in his public ministry.”