Teacher: “Dear one, not only do we come through to you on your beck and call as we are always in stand-by, waiting for an opportunity upon your free-will invitation to give you the solicited feedback and guidance, but we also monitor your brain activity and thinking process through your intimate connection with your Divine Fragment. We are made aware of the questions and dilemma which arise during your daily activities and we take “mental notes” so as to be able to get back at you with though-out answers.
“We are a team with the Divine and operate based on the instructions from our Celestial Supervisors who have accumulated age long wisdom in that process of guiding us to guide you. You in turn will help guiding others through your own spiritual realizations based on the Living Truth which is the only way to the Light. This is truly a labor of love where every party involved passes forward and shares in a cosmic pool whatever helpful resources is coming their way.
“How quickly would this planet be transformed if more and more souls joined this labor of Love, sharing the Truth that their soul recognizes, validating it and manifesting its fruit through their way of life, and doing good for evil, thus literally annihilating the apparent grasp of evil.
“Evil feeds on resentment, bitterness and anger. Those emotions are truly bottom feeders and can only survive in the darkness of one’s heart. Invite the Light in your being and ask it to help you dissolve and dispel any lower emotions which are keeping you hostage and preventing your heart to fully open.
“Once you initiate that process, your being will start being flooded by higher truths and you will notice an empowerment of your God centered emotions. You will trade anger for patience, resentment for forgiveness, and love for hate. You will trade an erroneous belief system centered on the small ego for higher truths which teach you that you are a magnificent part of the whole and which show you how to become the best you can be. How could the forces of darkness compete with the joyful and blissful feelings that will start rising from the depth of your soul? The choice is truly a no brainer. Yours is to learn to live each moment with awareness so that you settle your being in more and more Light and more and more Love. You have to settle in Light and Life, one at a time, so that this planet can makes her own complete shift in Light and Life.
“At night, a city starts shining in the darkness as each household starts turning its light on. More and more lights are shining in the darkness and from far away, the city becomes a City of Lights. Remember that you are lights and that we are here to continuously feed that home fire and recharge your batteries as you willingly connect yourself to the Generator of all lights.”