The Inner Sherpa



"If your own mind does not serve you well, you can exchange it for the mind of Jesus of Nazareth, who always serves you well." [UB Paper 48, 3 Mind Planners]

Thought Adjuster: “Dear child, you are wondering how to replace your mind with Jesus’ mind. What does that mean? Whenever you are dealing with a challenging issue in your life and that your feelings are ambivalent about how to successfully resolve it from your limited perspective, it is when you can turn to Jesus for guidance. What would Jesus do? This question is sufficient to initiate the process of finding the right way to respond to any given situation.

“Jesus would always respond with love--a far-seeing love, rather than a short-sighted one. What I mean by that is that a loving parent considers the all-round welfare of the child whenever making a decision for that child. This is why this form of love has been coined as tough love. Tough love is the love that promotes the integrity of your being and the strength of your character. Love has nothing to do with enabling someone to be weak and complacent. Love is actually helping others get in touch with their hidden potential and it challenges them in their growth toward the perfection of their being.

“Jesus always based His decisions on the criteria of the highest good—the Father’s Vision for His children. This is the question to ask yourself whenever you are emotionally confused. Many of your life situations could be interpreted in various ways as you are not always in the know of the true intentions behind them. Your gut feeling may help you discern in which direction to shift but it has to be connected with Truth so that your decisions bear the fruits of the Spirit.

“Jesus ‘attitude toward all was a parental attitude and He preached parental love as the highest form of love as it is blended with a deep compassion toward the innate ignorance of still immature children. A parent does not hold this ignorance against them but encourage them to learn through their life experiences as experience is truly the best teacher there is.

“What would Jesus do? He would go within to search for inner guidance. He would make decisions from a state of peace, not one of inner turmoil as emotional turmoil is a very dangerous adviser. He would not take offenses personally but as a reflection of the immaturity of the offender. He would not sink to lower emotions but would remain anchored in His love for the Father, thus maintaining the flow of the Love Substance in and through His being, assuring that His decisions are love infused.

“Jesus would also base all His decisions on the Golden Rule of treating others as He would like to be treated. This is the best criteria for decision making. Jesus came to guide each one of you to establish the Kingdom of God on earth—starting within you. Such a Kingdom is a kingdom of Love. Period. Whenever Love is taken out of the equation, dysfunction occurs and the kingdom crumbles within and without.

“Learn, dear ones, to stay anchored in the Father’s love—no matter what. You will come to trust more and more in the correctness of your decisions as such love based decisions are at all times in alignment with the Father’s Will. You will also feel uneasy whenever you are straying from that state as your organism will be able to send you accurate warning signals. The more you are attuned to the Father’s will, the easier you will detect any lower interferences and become able to nip them in the bud.”

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