The Inner Sherpa



Teacher: “Dear children of the earth, what does it take to bring your life under control? In each life, there are times when it seems that it is spinning out of your immediate control as you are not the only individual on the planet making decisions that have lasting consequences on your world and in your life.

“How do you reconcile that fact with the fact that you still are in charge of your own life—no matter what? So many individuals do not realize that fact for themselves and surrender their power to others that are more confident or speak with more authority but do not live in a state of high awareness.

“If greed and thirst for power are the motivations of this self-appointed elite, it should not be a VIP club that you would like to join or support as they are not operating for the highest good of all—only for what they erroneously perceive to be in their best interest but is in the worst interest of their higher self.

“Assert daily to yourself that you are in charge of your own life. If you were to navigate a treacherous river with many rapids, you would do well to inform yourself about its danger zones before embarking upon it in your little skiff. Wouldn’t you at first study the course of the river so as to be prepared for its challenges? Wouldn’t you pick the brains of those who already pioneered it and learn from their good and not so good experiences in that process? You may want to practice on a quieter stream so as to become one with your embarkation and develop the ability to remain in control of your destiny no matter where the river is taking you?

“The river of life on this planet is an untamed river presenting many challenges along its meanders. Yet, you have been equipped with an Inner Pilot to God-victoriously navigate its rough waters and take you to the place of peace that surpasses all understanding—the peace in the eye of the storm.

“This is the reason why you should claim the power you have in your own life in spite of all external interferences. All it takes is to set the conscious intention to set your course toward that unshakable quality of peace—your safe harbor.

“Whenever you trip while carrying a glass of water, it will be shaken, causing its content to splash; you will disengage yourself from the forces that made you lose your balance and calmly handle the glass so as to stabilize its content.

“You live in such a glass that may be invaded at times with foreign and disruptive elements. Yet, you have it in you to calm your inner world and to disable these invaders. The best strategy is to connect with your inner peace, the place within yourself that is unaffected by the stormy waters and cut off from their noisy boisterousness. Even when an ocean is tossed around by a violent storm, its deep waters are peaceful. Only the surface is affected. Let it be so in your own being!”

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