The Inner Sherpa



“In reality, every human being defines religion in the terms of his own experiential interpretation of the divine impulses emanating from the God spirit that indwells him…. [UB 1129:08]

Thought Adjuster: “You are a UNIQUE personality! Each one of you—no exception! Doesn’t it give you a faint idea about the magnitude of the Father’s Personality? You are not one in a million; you are not even one in a bazillion; you are not one in …. you get the idea. Indeed, you are one of a kind and this should greatly appreciate your sense of value.

“You are irreplaceable! You are relevant! You are precious! Many among you are not able to feel that yet, as you live in a society that strives in many ways to squeeze you in the uncomfortable mold of uniformity and anonymity—thus preventing you from bringing forth the liberated expression of your uniqueness.

“Your uniqueness is your personal flavor. It is what makes you interesting. It is what should pick each other’s curiosity. Yet, the fear to stand out has been ingrained in many of you. You are all ‘different’ but that term has taken a negative connotation, while the Father applauds and fosters uniqueness.

“This is also the reason why each religious experience is unique. For sure, there may be some commonalities, as you are all the children of the same Divine Parents. Yet, each relation cannot but be unique.

“Dear ones, rather than putting some limitations to your spiritual experience by blending in a religious group consciousness, why don’t you set out to find out for yourself how the Father is connecting with YOU. Indeed, it would greatly enhance the quality of your spiritual experience. This is the only way you can establish a PERSONAL relationship with the Divine.

“It will initially require some effort on your part, as many of you are comfortable following the leadings of their chosen ministers. You will have to climb out of such a box in order to investigate the wider spiritual panorama. Yet, the rewards will be immense, as you will establish a direct and living relationship with the Divine—not a hand-me-down one.

“Assert your spiritual independence! It is not a taboo. It is the key to your personal freedom of expression. I am here to guide you in your earnest quest to decipher who you are. I Am your life’s Coach.”

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