The Inner Sherpa



Monjoronson: “Dear child, I am thrilled that you are brave enough to engage Me in your morning Stillness time. Yes, dear one, I am not unaware of your efforts to become a better Transmitter/Receiver and I very well know how much of a pure conduit you would like to be. Mastery comes with practice, more practice, and even more practice. The more you trust that your fingers are obediently taking my dictation, the more successful you will be in letting your mind assume a neutral position from which you can listen to spiritual inputs which are not stemming from your own busy mind.

“The student has to be listening and fully receptive so that the Teacher can present the lesson of the day. Sometimes the Teacher has to reassess which lesson to give if he/she notices that the student has more immediate needs that need to be catered to at first. It is important that Peace be part of the teaching equation as inner peace means inner receptivity.

“The student has to connect with this place of inner peace in order to be fully receptive to the Teacher’s input. Being peaceful within is the most important prerequisite for a good communication with Spirit. If you do not feel that you are at such a place within yourself, then it is primordial that you work at reestablishing that inner peace. Peace is your anchor in the midst of the spiritual winds that are sweeping all over the planet. Peace is the steadying factor. You are like a kite tossed by the winds; yet, as long as the kite is safely anchored to the ground though the string attached to it and held by the one who operates the kite , then the kite is safe and won’t be going haywire.

“The spiritual personalities who are intimately involved with the birthing of the New Era have to work at multiple levels. They are coordinating a multitude of spiritual forces. Christ Michael, Machiventa Melchizedek and myself, we are the Commanders in Chief of that vast operation. Each one of us has under Himself specific spiritual groupings which are being carefully and closely monitored as to their individual progresses. Eventually, we will be able to connect many dots and to establish many bridges between all these spiritual helpers. The more bridges are built, the more connections are successfully being established, the more the Divine will come into His power. “For yours is the power, the kingdom and the glory forever.” Isn’t it the most precious mission one could ever receive than to be an instrument serving at empowering the Heavenly Father? His Will can truly be done once you--as a free-will creature—wholeheartedly embrace His plan for your life.”

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