Thought Adjuster: “Dear child, there is a time for listening and there is a time for speaking – in that order. Students have to give the Teacher their undivided attention in order to benefit from the knowledge being shared. If they interrupt, they fail to integrate the meaning of what is being conveyed.
“You are all students and you are all teachers. From your birth on, you are being educated. You are being taught life survival skills in a first time. You are shown how to develop your own skills so that you can support the existence and the sustenance of your own being. Once you master these initial skills, you are qualified for the first time to teach them to others. You were shown how to tie your shoes, how to write letters, how to read, etc. Because you integrated these skills in your being, you can in turn teach them to others. And so it goes – from a very basic level to more and more specialized ones.
“Such is the modus operandi of the universes. The Father has a very practical system in place where each creature shares knowledge and wisdom with others in order to facilitate their ascension. The Father does not want that the wheel be reinvented over and over again. This would mean stagnation instead of evolution. Evolution brings improvements to the wheel, generation after generation.
“As you perfect yourself, you acquire very precious wisdom. This wisdom is the most valued currency of the universes as it is practical and applicable. Wisdom is the ability to extract the positive lessons from any experience – whether the experience appears as good or bad. A good experience may help you teach a shortcut to others on how to get to that place; a bad experience, when shared, will show others how to avoid whatever decisions led you to that unwanted outcome. Either way, you can be a valuable teacher.
“At the same time, you are an eternal student. What matters is that your follow the leadings of your curiosity, that you ask questions and collaborate in figuring out their answers. The asking process is very important as you learn best in the areas which spike your interest. As your Indwelling Presence, my role is to make you aware of these areas as they are part of your curriculum of progression. Keep asking so that I can keep teaching you on a need to know basis. Your areas of interest can be integrated in your calling--in what makes your being tick.
“Learn to pick up on the daily clues. Again, it all boils down to living in awareness and being awake. Whenever students fall asleep during a lesson, it means that they are either bored by the lesson, having already mastered it, or that the lesson is way above their heads and that they do not yet belong in that classroom. An adequate classroom offers some challenges to the students as it raises the bar little by little so that they can eventually jumped to the next level.
“Students have to demonstrate good will. They have to enroll willingly in the class and have to diligently do their homework. Skipping classes does not work in the spiritual realms. The students are the ones who ultimately determine the pace of their growth.”