The Inner Sherpa



Thought Adjuster: “As you ask, so shall you receive. A lot of precious pearls of wisdom are being downloaded to the mortals of the realm who are on their spiritual path and who are receptive to Guidance. You could compare these downloads to the planting of tiny seeds in your super conscious mind. Based on your personal efforts to live a life in alignment with the core values of Truth, Beauty, and Goodness, these seedlings are taking root within your consciousness. Eventually, they will emerge from the depository of your superconscious mind and they will become part of your conscious thinking. They will become very practical tools for your growth. They will truly be the fruits of Spirit that can be identified on your physical plane of reality through the example of those who are embodying them more and more.

“Whenever you encounter such an individual, you will develop the desire to emulate such a God-centered and harmonious personality. You will recognize those spiritual treasures that have been accumulated by such a spiritually awakened individual. You will have then another mean to access the treasure chest of spiritual gems. This is how the Father works simultaneously at multiple levels.

“Those who have eyes to see and ears to hear are those who take the time to sit in the Stillness and ask for Divine Guidance and who direct their spiritual vision and clear audience toward their invisible spiritual nurturers. Eventually, they will become able to share with others on the physical plane—others who can find them out through their physical senses as the fruits of Spirit will have become visible to the naked eye.

“Wherever you find yourself in your spiritual journey, you have a multitude of Teachers placed along your way to act as divine signposts. Ask and you shall receive and you will be surely guided from one level of understanding to the next until such time as you can yourself become a way shower as you will have walked the walk and learned precious information that you can share with others to facilitate their own progression. Such is the labor of love that all are called to perform, no matter where they find themselves.”

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