Thought Adjuster: “Let us talk about the many spiritual graduations ceremonies honoring each evolving soul as they reach yet another milestone along their ascension journey. To ascend means to move up—level by level. It is not an instantaneous teleportation from the bottom to the top rung of the ascension ladder, as time is needed for each soul to integrate the lessons learned in the previous experiential stage and to regain its footing.
“Just as you apply yourself at school to successfully end a school year in order to be promoted to the next grade, you also qualify step-by-step to be initiated to the next phase of your spiritual curriculum. Indeed, your ascension ladder has to be solidly anchored in order to provide you with the needed safety to take you to the next levels.
“Stability is one of the prerequisites for ascension in order to preserve your inner equilibrium as you tackle the next level. Be present, be patient, and remain grounded in the here and now. This is how you will draw optimal benefits from your moment-to-moment experience. Do not skip any steps, as you would have to retrace them to learn the lessons that you did not learn to perfection.
“Do not obsess about your shortcomings! Rather witness the process of your own transformation and acknowledge your hard-earned progress. Indeed, you have already come a long way from your spiritual ‘babyhood.’ You will look back with tenderness at the endearing snapshots of your spiritual infancy, just as Spirit does. Your pure intentions are what matter the most. Leave up to God to custom-fit your curriculum, as He knows your unique purpose. He is the Potter sitting at the wheel of your life, minutely sculpting the clay of your being, glazing it in the hot experiential furnace and lovingly preparing it for the purpose for which it has been conceived.”
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