Teacher: “Dear one, your questions tell us that you are ready to receive. The knowledge of the universes is imparted on a need to know basis as it is intended to be put into practice. In your life, you encounter situations that are puzzling you and/or challenging you. You get the familiar feeling that you are standing at the bottom of a seemingly insurmountable wall and yet you witness at the same time the fact that many of your siblings have been able to climb that wall in faith and are waiving to you from its top.
“You can turn to them for guidance on how to rise to that challenge and you can build the confidence you too can do it, based on their success. You can also turn to us, your Celestial Helpers, and ask us to assist you in the process of deepening your understanding and developing your own resourcefulness. Wisdom abounds in the universes and is meant to be wisely shared with those who are ready to receive it.
“The Father is revealing so much to His children. Yet, the children can only perceive tidbits of wisdom when it pertains to the life challenges that preoccupy them at this particular time of their life. Even though everything in the universes is of interest as it is infused with Intelligence and part of the Greater Plan, your life on this planet is mostly focused on the immediate challenges for survival. This survival takes place at multiple levels: not only do you have to be sustainable in the material sense so that you can have food on your table and a roof on your head, but you also have to be emotionally sustainable so that you can overcome the emotional vicissitudes that arise in your life. Coupled with that challenge, you have to ask yourself whether or not you are spiritually sustainable. Are you equipped to God-victoriously move on toward the eternal goal of soul survival?
“On all these various levels of your current life, the Father provides you with wise guidance but the most effective guidance is the one that has already been validated by the personal experience of others facing similar challenges--the most notorious one being your Master Jesus who truly provided a practical map by leading an exemplary life with the intention to help others by his shining example. He pioneered the way not only for the generation of His time but for all generations as it is based on the Golden Rule which drives the universes.
“The educational program of the Father is a program of continued education where wisdom is being conveyed to you a little bit at a time so as not to overwhelm you with information which is too far out and would not be conducive to motivate you. What you need to know is that your Thought Controller, together with your assigned Teachers and Guides, will constantly coordinate your educational needs and send your way many precious revelations that will fill your heart with gratitude when you realize the positive impact they have on your life.
“Your education is being prioritized according to your needs and your area of interest. You would not sign up for classes that put you to sleep. Your best teachers were to ones who were able to awaken your inner passion for the topic they taught.
“As the child starts asking more insightful questions, the parent knows that it is time to share more information with that child as its mind is inquisitive and open to receive the desired feedback. And so it goes, the scaffolding being raised a little bit at a time so as to stand on a strong foundation.”