The Inner Sherpa



Thought Adjuster: “Let us talk about Body Language. Your body is the visible manifestation of your essence at many levels. Your body lives in the material realm and interacts with physical matter. It also expresses what goes on in your inner world. A smile on your face is like the bright window display of your inner joy, happiness or bliss…. A pained expression on that very same face renders your face less attractive as it is not infused with vibrancy but with shadows.

“Your body “speaks” this type of language without having to mouth any words. It is important in order to develop a compassionate heart to become aware of the silent messages that are however sending clear signals to those who are receptive to others’ experiences—such silences can be loud cries for help.

“How do you respond to these signals? What is your own body language? Are your arms outstretched to give hugs or are they crossed on your chest to shield you? Is your body relaxed in the moment or is it tense and uncomfortable?

“The emotions that are expressed through the body language are a personal choice. You can choose to wear an uncomfortable emotion all day, all week, all year… or you can select to trade it for a feel-better emotion, much more becoming to you. Which one is it going to be?

“It is obvious that each individual has choices to make after coming to the realization that they are truly in charge of their inner world. You can choose to let others dictate how you feel but any “dictatorship” does not feel good as it impinges on all personal freedom and strips you of your willpower. Or you can choose to assert your God-given power over your own emotions—embracing the uplifting emotions and rejecting whole-heartedly the ones that are unpleasant and oppressive.

“Live each day in this new awareness and witness for yourself the magical transformation ofyour life experience. Sunny emotions will brighten your human experience and raise your energy level while dark emotions will have many unhealthy side effects and make you and others miserable if these emotions take advantage of the initial surprise effect and catch you off guard.

“Enlist My help to help you come to your senses whenever you are overpowered by strong negative emotions. I can helploosen their grip on you. All it takes is for you to declare your intention to live on the sunny side of the emotional street—to live in the Light!”

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