The Inner Sherpa



Thought Adjuster: “What is Faith? Faith is the attitude of believing without knowing. It may appear foolish to do so as a belief that is not supported byknowledge seems to be a dangerous far stretch.

“In the long course of human history, faith has often been misguided—and still is. A faith based on superstition is wacky, as it is not standing on solid ground but on fears. It is the most denatured form of faith since Faith is to be found at the antipode of fear.

“It is therefore important that your belief system is devoid of the contamination of fear. Faith has nothing to do with this mental state. Faith has everything to do with trusting the Divine Love. This is where you can safely invest 100% of your faith. Even though you have faith in the unseen, you are not adversely blinded by this type of faith as it has nothing to do with fanaticism.

“The weather patterns alternate between sunny and cloudy skies. You know it from personal experience and you develop a strong faith that—even though it may be raining today—the sun will eventually reappear in the sky after a cloud burst.

“The same goes for your inner life. You have good and bad days; your faith muscle is the one you flex on bad days just as you would pop open an umbrella to protect you from the rain. Faith is that spiritual umbrella that takes you through challenging times. Faith is that knowingness that all is well in the eye of the storm; that the storm cannot harm you.

“As you invite the Divine more and more to share your life experiences, you will become very aware of that constant Presence in your life. A Presence is felt and does not necessarily need to be seen. As you learn to connect with that inner Presence, you develop a stronger knowingness about spiritual realities. Faith is what moves you forward; the resulting experience is what validates the faith. This is the reason why you “have to leap in faith.” Such a leap is the utmost manifestation of your trust to your Divine Parents.

“Many parents playfully toss their little ones in the air and you hear the delighted giggles of the little ones. They have no fear to be dropped; it does not even faze them that it could occur. They know that they are in safe and loving hands and they surrender to the experience.

“Take time to ponder Faith so that you can gain more precious insights. Each individual faith can stand to be refined. If you are “faith-full”, you are “trust-worthy” in the eyes of the Father as your enduring faith is like the waiving of a flag to draw the Father’s attention that you are His feet on the ground.”

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