“When reason once recognizes right and wrong, it exhibits wisdom; when wisdom chooses between right and wrong, truth and error, it demonstrates spirit leading. And thus are the functions of mind, soul, and spirit ever closely united and functionally inter associated.” [UB 1142:01]
Spirit: “Let us address the Spiritual Influences of the Spirit of Truth and the Holy Spirit, as well as the related ones of the Adjutant Mind Spirits of Intuition, Understanding, Courage, Knowledge, Counsel, Worship and Wisdom.
“The short version is that we function as One. We are One with the Divine Fragment who indwells you. We are united in purpose and we are united in action. Love is Love is Love. We are united in Love. This is what unity is all about. It is about joining forces to reach what would be otherwise unattainable if we were to remain disconnected from one another.
“Your own being also functions as a trinity: Your mind, your soul, and your spirit are meant to collaborate. This is how you become the best you can be and eventually reach Self-Mastery. This is the reason why your life is presenting you with such a medley of experiences and challenges that teach you how to overcome your lower animalistic nature and propel you toward your Higher Self—a self that embodies greater values and spiritual realities.
“In order to get there, you have to perform a balancing act between your mind and your heart as well. Some of you are more mental than others and tend to approach life intellectually and factually. Others are more heart-driven and impulsive. Both heart and mind are meant to keep each other in check and to have a regulatory effect on your being so as to foster your progress.
“You are not alone in that; this is where Higher Spiritual Influences come in the picture to provide you with adequate spiritual resources—some of them subliminal and others ‘on demand’ so to speak. Yours is to do the asking and the allowing.”