The Inner Sherpa



Thought Adjuster: “Dear child, you are asking how to keep your heart open. It is a very meaningful question as therein lays the access key to Love. Your heart has been conceived to be a mini Love Dynamo or one among the multitude of Love Pump Stations plugged into the Divine Love Pipe Line.

“Love is the most precious commodity. Sadly, many pump stations have been requisitioned by the Lucifer Rebellion. Instead of circulating Love, they have been defiled and became more like the garbage disposals of mutated and festering emotions whose type is NEVER to be found in higher realms. How sad it is that this most beautiful circuit of Love has been severed from its Source and redirected to pump emotional sewage instead!

“As you go through your day, monitor your pump station. Ensure that it is pumping Love and Kindness and that by your constant intention of bringing it back to its original pristine state, you purge it from any lower emotions that pollute your being and your emotional and spiritual environments as well.

“Each day on this planet provides ample opportunities to do so. Work at your own system. When a city is affected by a city wide power outage, emergency crews work at restoring the powerone neighborhood at a time. Little by little, many points of light start breaking through the dense darkness and they become points of hope as well.

“This is how the Father looks at His brave little soldiers who are putting up the fight of their lives to bring more Light into this darkened world. Remember, Gratitude is a wonderful way to prime your Love Generator. All the positive elements of your life, all the acts of kindness that lift your spirit are like the kindling that helps you start a bonfire around which many chilled hearts will thaw.”

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