The Inner Sherpa



Thought Adjuster: “Let us talk about Peace versus Restlessness. It is obvious that these two frames of mind are incompatible with one another. It is either the one or the other. Yet, as you well understand, the optimal and much-preferred state is one of total peace—a peace so complete that it surpasses all understanding.

“It is not easy to access such a state of deep peace, as many of you are so engrossed in the busyness of the world that they are constantly mentally rushing ahead of themselves. This is another great contributor to nervousness and restlessness.

“Therefore, the best approach to a peaceful state is to SLOW DOWN. Somehow, by slowing yourself down—starting at the physical level of your being—you will downshift your mental gearsto a pace of slow motion. This is a necessary initiative to eventually come to that place of a peaceful standstill.

“You are much like a fast train rushing from one destination to the next, bypassing the many stations spaced along its tracks. Your quality of life would be utterly different if you indeed learned to stop and smell the roses. You are missing out on so many minute and beautiful details when you constantly rush through your days. As well, you are preventing Peace from infusing your being. Is it worth the trade off?

“Deep within, each one of you longs for Peace, as you have been created for Love and Peace. The hippy movement of the sixties grasped that part of returning to these valuable roots. Such an optimal state of being has been meant to promote both creativity and Love in Action.

“Dear ones, reconnect with your inner peace. This is where I dwell. This is our meeting place. This is where you can hear my Still Small Voice. I am there, patiently and peaceful waiting for you to take a much-needed time-out and to give Me the time of day.”

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