The Inner Sherpa



Thought Adjuster: “Today, Christianity is celebrating Easter—the day of Christ’s Resurrection. Ever since His crucifixion, scholars and theologians have pondered the meaning of the Resurrection. Christ arose from the dead—was victorious over the physical death inflicted upon Him. He arose in Love and Light and lingered for a while in familiar surroundings to forever reconnect with His loving apostolic family and His followers.

“Resurrection Day was not only the day of His resurrection but also the forerunner of your own resurrection. What do I mean by that?

“You too are meant to be resurrected from the dead. Such a resurrection can already take place while you still are in your physical form. In spite of the Life Force coursing through your being, many of you are in spiritual hibernation—unaware and lethargic. Jesus’s message was also an injunction to live a good and meaningful life—a Love-infused one.

“Love is the life force of the universes—inclusive of your own micro-universe. Love is what bring forth the spring season in your heart. Jesus could not have risen from the dead if it were not for the eternal love He always had in His heart. Love is the Ascension Current to higher realms—nothing more and nothing less.

“Dear ones, by following in Jesus’s careful footsteps, you can experience your own mighty resurrection. As He did, you will raise above your life’s challenges and disempower them one by one. Rather than letting them get the better of you, you will use them as catalysts to become the better you. This is the reason why Resurrection is at the very onset of your own Ascension process—it is the quickening of your heart, its strengthening, its empowerment—your rebirth in Spirit.

“Become aware of such amazing possibilities and turn them into realities through your consistent daily practices. You will come towitness your own metamorphosis!”

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