The Inner Sherpa



Thought Adjuster: “Let us talk about the Correcting Time and what it implies. You can look at it from a worldwide—and even cosmic perspective. As well, you can make it very close and personal, as it is all of the above.

Due to the Lucifer Rebellion and its nefarious consequences, the planetary welfare and the welfare of the creatures living upon her have been greatly compromised. Such is the ripple effect of toxic lies and misrepresentations.

Yet, your Heavenly Father views them as growing pains. Indeed, since His Vision is one of overall perfection and harmony, He views these apparent setbacks as part of the very enriching evolutionary process. He does not hold your mistakes against you. Rather, He uses them to enhance your understanding and turn them into rich experiential teachings.

The Correcting Time implies the willingness on your part to be ‘re-formed.’ It also implies that you realize that you are a work in progressand that whatever is not whole within youneeds to be remedied. It is indeed a project of agreat magnitude that requires patience and dedication on your part, as well as on the part of your Heavenly Faculty. Both the teachers and the students are volunteering in that endeavor. Love has to be the primal motivation, as any other motivations may not be self-sustainable and fall short of taking you all the way.

Any intelligent remodeling is preceded by a thorough inspection of the state of affairs in the place in need of improvement. Everything is scrutinized and the contractor takes meticulous notes of what needs to be brought up to code. He then puts in place a logical flow of the work crews, as each crew will lay the groundwork for the next one.

Dear ones, ask the Father where He wishes to start with your personal remodeling. Rather than overwhelming you with all the details involved in your lifetime project, He will point them out as they come due. Trust in the process and collaborate with your specialized Guidance Team. You are enrolling their services and you are playing a major part in your own upgrade, as it is based on your unique personality with which they will help you getin touch. Indeed, your personal Correcting Time involves setting straight the record of who you truly are—getting back to the basics of your being and unveiling to you its complex and innovative blueprints.”

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