The Inner Sherpa



Thought Adjuster: “Even the best philharmonic rendition starts amidst cacophony, as, before the Maestro officially sets the tempo and the tone for the orchestra, each musician is given the opportunity to attend to his instrument.

Not only does each instrument need to be finely tuned, but its operator also has to agree to play in the same register as called for by the composer. This is where each player surrenders to the vision of the composer.

Look at the human diversity in a similar manner. You live in a very discordant world where many insist on playing their own tune, at their own tempo, totally disregarding the overall planetary harmony.

The Father has nothing against independent thinkers. On the contrary, He encourages each one of you to use his or her imagination and gray matter to come up with new compositions. Yet, do not forget that He is the Great Philanthropist commissioning the works. He has set clear guidelines for each one of the components of His Cosmic Exhibit. They are meant to blend in harmoniously with one another or contrast beautifully, as contrasts are needed to focalize Beauty.

Yet, you should not work solo in this Master Enterprise, as you would be at high risk of messing-up—of generating a blunder that would have to be thoroughly cleaned-up before your piece meets the prerequisites for an entry in the Exhibit.

Dear ones, learn to look differently at your small self. Take pride in what it can contribute to the whole. Isn’t service that gives value to your actions? Serve with your imagination, serve with your words, serve with your actions! Those are the criteria that may even earn you an honorable mention at the Great Expo.”

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