The Inner Sherpa



Thought Adjuster: “You have been reflecting of late on how much your past beliefs and convictions have shifted due to the new perspectives that presented themselves along your life’s journey. This takes us to the topic of Courage. As you know, through the Holy Spirit, you have access to the leadings of the Adjutant Mind Spirits of Intuition, Understanding, Courage, Knowledge, Counsel, Worship and Wisdom—in that order. This is from that vantage point that I would like to speak to you about the Spirit of Courage.

“First of all, it requires courage for any soul to change his or her mind under the subtle influence of the Spirit of Intuition, which is depicted in your language as following your ‘gut feelings.’ This spiritual influence leads you to question some of the biased perspectives that you have acquired through your upbringing. It takes courage to revolutionize your thinking by following the nudges of your intuition, thus acquiring an expanded understanding. Indeed, this is when the Spirit of Understanding has the opportunity to tutor you as well.

“The Spirit of Courage together with the Spirit of Knowledge will then ‘en-courage” you to share your epiphanies with others. Indeed, it takes bravery to secede from the stream of blindly embraced ‘general opinion.’ This is when you can benefit as well from the guidance of the Spirit of Counsel.

“Do not think for a moment that what you have labeled as ‘bad’ experiences due to the personal grief they caused you, isagainst you. Once you muster the humility to recognize the errors of your ways—probably triggered by the many deceptions still rampant in your world, pray for the courage to change your ways. You will then realize that you can become a powerful agent of positive change, as your testimony will exert a considerable power of persuasion on other, infusing them with the needed motivation to triumphally rise from the ashes of their olden destructive ways. Ashes offer a very fertile ground for the birthing of wisdom. You may label your most difficult experiences as the dark ages of your soul. Yet, they are, in fact, the fecund breeding ground for your personal enlightenment.

“How wise is your Heavenly Father! He recycles everything, which includes putting to good use both your successes and your failures to steer you back to His Loving Embrace. Once you come to recognize this fact, you will feel the irresistible urge to praise Him in unison with the Spirit of Worship. Again, the end justifies the means.”

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