The Inner Sherpa



Thought Adjuster: “Let us talk about Vital Attractions. It has been recognized that you attract in your experience whatever you direct the flashlight of your attention to. Frequently human beings turn their attention toward objectives that end up being disastrous for their spiritual growth, as they morph into unhealthy obsessions that unproductively consume their time and energy.

“Addictions belong to that category. Their pull is irresistible to many as, in the process of becoming ‘addicted,’ the individual surrenders his or her will power to the enslaving power of the addictive entity. The only way out of this debilitating influence is a strong assertion of will. It has to be reclaimed and reactivated in order to turn things around. It requires a lot of courage from the part of addicts to disengage themselves from their potentially ‘fatal attractions.’

“On the other hand, each soul is naturally attracted by the pull of Beauty—in its many forms. Genuine Beauty—the type that is worthwhile pursuing—is always infused with Love. It speaks to the heart and quickens it. It uplifts the mood, rather than depressing it. It inspires the individual to its very core. It speaks the language of the heart and finds an echo within.

“Navigate your life using your God-given sense of discernment in order to set worthwhile goals—those that have a bright and eternal future, rather than those who lead you to dead ends, endangering the survival potential of your soul.

“Most addictions creep in through repetitive patterns that become so deeply ingrained in the individual that it becomes harder and harder for them to override them. The only desirable addiction is the one to Truth, Beauty and Goodness. The quest for these absolute values will help you transcend your detrimental habits. They will ‘spiritualize’ you and help you resist your unhealthy tendencies. Once you get to taste them, you will be irresistibly drawn to them like the little flies drawn to the light.”

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