The Inner Sherpa



Christ Michael/Jesus: Dear child, as you connect with My Consciousness, you are wondering what it all entails. As the Correcting Time progresses in your world, I am more and more directly involved in the planetary healing. To many of you, it may seem that I have been taking a back seat during the millennia that have passed since the Lucifer Rebellion. You are wondering what took so long and why so much suffering and turmoil had to be endured.

Dear ones, nothing will ever change in your world if individual souls fail to demonstrate the required receptivity. Spirit could figuratively talk Itself blue in the face without any success if Its words fall on deaf ears. This is the reason why the serious and painful outcomes of misguided human decisions are the close and personal red flags that eventually will draw humankind’s attention and make them realize that things cannot go on in their dysfunctional way.

Many of you wish to contribute as healers to the recovery of your planet and those living upon her. Healing does not only pertain to the physical well-being. It goes much deeper than that, as your being consists of many complex layers that all get impacted by hurts—whether they are inflicted mentally, emotionally, or physically. Some of them even trickle down from the more invisible and intangible layers to become manifested in physical ailments.

Much healing work needs to be performed—starting with the healing of minds, hearts, and souls. As you increasingly come in touch with Truth, by applying it to your lives, you will benefit from its healing qualities. You will have a reliable ‘treatment plan.’ What matters is that you follow it, as by healing yourself, you will become qualified to heal others. This is a wonderful service that demonstrates that you care about one another and are not oblivious to the planetary suffering. Each one of you is a vital cell of the planetary body—an intelligent cell that has been programmed for wellness. As healers, you will retrieve the sacred codes that unlock the healing process by restoring the circulatory circuits between man and Spirit.”

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