The Inner Sherpa



Thought Adjuster: “Dear one, there is great comfort in knowing that the Father in Heaven is eternal. Indeed, you can trust that, unlike what frequently occurs in human relationships, the Love He feels toward His entire creation is undying – eternal in the full sense of the word.

Well-intended human beings pledge one another undying love and yet, when their love is put to the test, it frequently comes to an end and a split takes place in the relationship.

It is vital for your ability to selflessly love to find your love-connection with your Divine Parent who loves you to the full extent of the word—an extent that, due to your personal limitations, you are unable to grasp. However, you can trust that it is so and that you will never be a cosmic orphan, that you will never be abandoned. Divine Love does not cease. It is not moody and ever-changing. You do not need to beg for it. It is a GIVEN and the Father never manipulates His children into pleasing Him. “I will stop loving you if you do not do things my way” is not the type of parenting that God embraces. Rather, it is of the type “I will keep loving you, no matter what”.

Such is unconditional love. Doesn’t it bring peace to your heart? You are so special to the Father that He will never leave you. You are the ones rocking this loving connection. You are the ones turning it into a love-hate relationship by misinterpreting the content of your life. Dear ones, learn to keep your heart open so that it can be continuously refilled with the Divine Love Substance. This will provide your heart with a much greater mileage.”

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