The Inner Sherpa



“On every mountaintop of intellectual thought are to be found relaxation for the mind, strength of the soul, and communion for the spirit.” [UB 1778:03

Teacher: “Let us elaborate on the above statement. At first, its meaning seemed to evade you. Indeed, there is much information packed into it. How come that intellectual thought could be the source of relaxation for the mind, strength for the soul and communion for the spirit?

“Reaching the mountain top is coveted by all climbers. They know that their painstaking efforts will be rewarded by the panoramic view as well as by the bright sun light that much more easily hits the top of a mountain than the valley at its bottom. This is what motivates climbers to engage in such a challenging and risky undertaking.

“This metaphor may help you get a feel about what is meant with the mountaintop of intellectual thought. Those among you who are inquisitive and on a quest for ever expanding understanding continually challenge their thinking process by scouting areas shrouded in mystery within their understanding. Many minds are not fully activated and fail to experience the ‘enlightenment’ that would come to them if they fully followed through with their thinking process—without giving up too prematurely.

“When such ‘thought pioneers’ reach the apex of their thinking, they are in a position to shout from the mountain top the expanded truth and insights that were revealed to them in that process, thus greatly contributing to the enlightenment of their siblings.

“‘Truth shall set you free.’ This is the next link to make sense of the above quote. Once the mind diligently finds its way to the much sought after answer, it relaxes and fully appreciates and relishes that moment of mental victory. Truth strengthens the soul by its wonderful positive nutrients and Truth unavoidably can be traced back to Spirit—to the Spirit of Truth in particular—its Glorified Messenger.

“Dear ones, you have been equipped with a mind of infinite potential—a mind that will keep expending as you move on to other worlds where your being will be liberated from its multitude of electro-chemical reactions that have a hold on it. As is the case with every muscle in your being, your intellectual muscle also needs to be flexed so that it does not atrophy. It is your ally to help you make sense of your life and its purpose. It can ask questions and, by doing so, it becomes receptive to the input of Spirit.

“Apply yourself more diligently to solve the many enigmas of your life as to each question, there is a relevant answer. This is what Truth is all about. Each time the light bulb goes on in your head, it triggers much personal satisfaction and inner joy. Each time a question finds its truthful match, some of your inner anguish gets dissolved as anguish is mostly due to ignorance and ignorance is what holds your being in its own dark age.

“As you learn to think richer thoughts, you will become more and more grateful for your ‘mental search engine’ as it will take you to places you have never accessed before. Rather than obsessing about unproductive thought patterns that hold you captive, your mind will be bombarded by a multitude of interesting thoughts for you to investigate in more depth. This is how your Thought Adjuster will become enabled to be a more active participant in your thinking process, simultaneously feeding your soul and nurturing your mutual partnership.”

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