The Inner Sherpa



“No religionist may hope to attain the enlightenment of immortal wisdom who persists in being slothful, indolent, feeble, idle, shameless, and selfish.’ [UB 1447:02]

Teacher: “Welcome to our Circle! We are your much older siblings happy to take you under our spiritual wings, so to speak. Just as you are eager to share your wisdom with others, so are we. This is one of the purposes of the pooling together of wisdom: for it to be put to its highest use.

“Ignorance is a lack of knowledge. Knowledge and understanding are the Petri dish for wisdom. What do you do with it? Surely, it is not something for you to greedily hold on to as it would very quickly become stale.

“Wisdom has a momentum of its own. It is also generously provided through the circuit of the Adjutant Mind Spirit of Wisdom that freely moves and shares of itself.

“The above quote is filled with wisdom. Wisdom is precious and is not to be squandered on those who do not appreciate what it takes and what it took to painstakingly extract it from a multitude of life experiences. Each human being has the potential to grow precious fruits of spirit; yet, you live in a universe wherean action is needed to manifest higher levels of reality and to gain 'experiential wisdom.'.

“Procrastinators live in an idling state where no new experience can enter their life; therefore they are not spiritually evolving. They are ‘resting on their laurels’ and this is a dead end.

“Do challenge yourselves to initiate a quest for higher wisdom and many doors will open in your life for you to step out of you spiritual hibernation. Your mind will be stimulated and you will never want to return to a state where you are a bystander in your own life. What would you have to report when you get to the other side? What will your earthly years sum up to? Many are eagerly waiting on the other side for the wisdom that you will bring in your spiritual backpack. Story telling is one of our favorite pass times on the other side. Are you a creative writer?”

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