The Inner Sherpa



“Some persons are too busy to grow and are therefore in grave danger of spiritual fixation.” [UB 1094:04]

Thought Adjuster: “Dear child, ‘busyness’ seems to be symptomatic of modern civilization. Due to the immense forward leap in technology that this planet has experienced in the previous century—and is still experiencing--, much has changed in the way people live their lives. Yet other aspects of their lives suffered by failing to match such a rapid growth, creating a great state of internal imbalance.

“If you look at an aboriginal culture, you may at first deem it as ‘retarded’ compared to your culture. Yet, if you look more objectively, you will also have to admit that the aborigines are much more connected to their planetary mother, to one another, and to the now moment. Why is it so?

“Busyness fills many lives with a fake veneer of productivity but is actually distracts them—turning their attention away from what is truly everlastingly meaningful and important. Whenever a life is filled with artificial deadlines, all energies are directed at meeting these commitments—at the expense of the spiritual development of the individuals.

“Your life circumstances may change in their external outlook, but your inner landscape may stand still if it is grossly neglected. If no questions are being asked as to the inner world, no clear answers will be forthcoming and the spiritual growth will be severely stunted due to lack of spiritual “funding.” This is a sad state of affairs as life on this planet has been foremost intended to be a ‘soul nursery’—a place of education and socialization for the embryonic individual souls.

“Spiritual fixation happens whenever the creature loses its curiosity toward matters of eternal import and over focuses on material gratification. This is a process of self-deception. The small self is so focused on itself that it steals the show and seem to overshadow the larger Self. There are so many inner treasures that have been entrusted to the larger Self. They will be wisely disbursed one by one as the creature manifests the ability to appreciate them and the desire to connect with its true Self—its unique self that cannot be reached through a generic and disconnected way of life.

“Frequently ‘busyness’ becomes an excuse to avoid what may at first be uncomfortable—honestly facing one self. Peace and busyness are not that compatible as the energy of busyness vibrates at a very restless frequency that can be disturbing to the finer and more subtle energy of inner peace.

“Time out is what allows the creature to regroup and to objectively assess how it spends its time. What is true productivity? Wouldn’t it be to bring forth the beautiful and enduring fruits of Spirit rather than to accumulate an excess of material possessions that actually restrict your movements and impinge on your freedom?

“Spiritual fixation is spiritual stagnation. It could be compared to sitting in an idling vehicle. You will never know where it could have taken you as you keep staring at the same still landscape. Wouldn’t you rather become an avid spiritual tourist, creating momentous memories, sharing your travel stories with other avid inner world travelers? All it takes is to declare your intention to do so—to engage the forward gears of your vehicle—your spiritual Self. If in doubt, ask your fellow travelers; you will hear many powerful testimonies that they would not trade for anything the spiritual treasures that they have accumulated along their spiritual quests. Are you too busy to grow or are you busy growing?”

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