The Inner Sherpa



“The Father in heaven has forgiven you even before you have thought to ask him, but such forgiveness is not available in your personal religious experience until such a time as you forgive your fellow men.” [UB 1638:04]

Thought Adjuster: “The inability to forgive holds one handcuffed to unpleasant past experiences. The holding of grudges weighs a soul down and keeps it anchored and over focused on real or perceived offenses by others. Think for a moment at the type of offenses that are so hard for you to let go of--be it the betrayal of your trust, the bruising of your feelings, the outrage you feel as to the unloving or disrespectful way you may have been treated… etc. The list goes on and on as to the type of grudges harbored by human hearts.

“Some offenses belong in the realm of pettiness, while others are more serious: the loss of a loved one through an act of violence; the embezzlement of life savings through an ill-intentioned scheme, etc. Some offenses are unintentional while others are dipped in iniquity. Your world abounds with such occurrences and many of them seem way out of the scope of human Forgiveness.

“Forgiveness is a ‘Gift’ from the heart. The Father’s Heart is always wide open. It is a grudge-free zone. He does not take personal offenses as He unconditionally loves His ignorant and immature evolving creatures, making a generous allowance for their shortcomings.

“Total Forgiveness has therefore to move through the heart of the creatures. It has to be like a gust of fresh air, moving into your heart from the Father’s Heart. Yet, the windows of your heart have to be wide open to let it move through it and fully purify it from any stagnant and stinking emotions. This is the reason why, in order to be fully integrated in one’s being, Forgiveness has to be circulated and allowed to move through you toward others.

“Compassion is the key to Forgiveness. How much compassion do you feel toward others? During His life in the flesh, Jesus was on the outlook for any opportunity to get insights in His fellow men. He spent much time conversing with them, getting to know their life story. He did not judge, He listened. He did not point an accusatory finger, nor did he throw stones at them; instead He focused on stopping in their tracks those intent to do so.

“How can you truly appreciate Forgiveness and its liberating power, if you are still weighted down by your own inability to forgive—to let go? You cannot be both liberated by the Father’s Forgiveness and held hostage by your own grudges. This is not total freedom.

“By forgiving your fellow men, your soul can finally soar free. It cuts any attachments to painful or ugly past experiences. It stops dragging their dead weight after itself, thus becoming free to soar to higher spiritual altitudes and to fully relish in the Father’s forgiving embrace. “Treat others as you want to be treated.” Send silent blessings to those who seem to make your life difficult. Aren’t they your teachers in the flesh since they present you with opportunities of gaining self-mastery?

“Forgiveness is the ransom you pay to those who hold you emotionally hostage. It makes them loosen the unhealthy grip they hold on you. Wouldn’t you rather be drawn by the power of attraction of Higher Realms than being held down by the gravity of your emotional murk?

“Forgiveness is God’s lifting of your shoulders the weight of guilt and regrets. It is God telling you to look forward at the glory of His eternal promises rather than turning your back to them, being so busy at pointing the finger at past offenses that you fail to perceive the ever renewed landscapes of your life journey.”

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