Thought Adjuster: “To hear My Still Small Voice, it is indeed necessary to sit in the Stillness, as I won’t raise My Voice. Your mental space is sacred to Me and I need your heartfelt permission—as My host— ‘to make myself at home.’ This seems to be a pretty simple process, and yet it goes widely unrecognized by so many.
“The Stillness is our meeting place in the midst of the sounds of the world. It is our private meeting room where the Divine meets the human. The Stillness is holy—and yet it is perceived as unsettling to the many restless souls who are not able to sit still and listen.
“’Be still my soul…’ as your song so beautifully expresses is a prerequisite for our intimate communion. Inner peace will invade your being as you still your mind. It may take many short-lived attempts to get there but the time will come when you will be able to access this place of Stillness without any inner struggles. The more you practice, the easier it will become.
“Within you dwells the most attentive Listener. Before I speak, I listen. Indeed I am very well informed about your frame of mind at any given moment and I resourcefully find ways to speak to you—even when it does not occur under the best inner circumstances. Yet, you will notice that you will stop in your mental tracks whenever something of value enters your mind and catches your attention.
Be on the outlook for such magical moments. They are wonderful conversation starters in our budding relationship.”