The Inner Sherpa



Thought Adjuster: “Let us talk some more about Love, Peace, Harmony, Balance, Self-Control and Human Understanding. Let us use the metaphor of driving a vehicle. When you take good care of its maintenance, it runs smoothly and quietly—as one cohesive unit. Nothing draws your attention to it and you feel safe within it. You truly enjoy the ride and, since no emergency signals are lit on the control board, your attention is directed to the unfolding panorama and the harmonious and balanced feelings you experience are applied to your outer experience.

“Indeed, when you are in harmony within yourself, your human vehicle serves its higher purpose—it helps you explore the great outdoors, so to speak. It helps you ‘expand’ and gather continued experiences of enlightenment—street smartness.

“Such a state of optimal functioning is what you call ‘happiness’, even ‘bliss.’ You do not wish for it to ever end and, whenever you meet a threatening bump in the road, you are prepared to quickly deal with it so as to deflect its potential threat to your well-being. This could be compared to the skills of ‘defensive driving.’ You are alert and aware and, whatever presents itself to you, you respond in a cool and collected way, thus preventing your being to engage itself in the down-spiraling spin of emotional black ice, which could cause you great harm.

“Dear ones, learn to live your life ‘defensively.’ Do not expect the worst, as it would clip your adventurous wings. Rather, look forward to an amazing journey and keep a travel log of your beautiful experiences, as well as of the blessings you discover hidden under temporary cloud covers. This is how you come to witness the birth of magnificent rainbows.”

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