The Inner Sherpa



Thought Adjuster: “As you empty your mind, you are making room for Me to take your mental floor. I rejoice in that invitation to be your Guest Speaker. Whenever I witness your readiness to receive, I stir out My position of Observer and become your Teacher.

“I never am at a loss of topics of conversation as I am a Fragment of the Omniscient God and as such, I AM in the Know—in so many ways. I AM in the Know of your life plan. I take it to heart as it is My job description to make it come to fruition—My sacred responsibility.

“I chose to indwell you. I chose to eternally bind our destinies. ‘We are in it together’ whether or not you are aware of it. As a Divine Fragment, I greatly rejoice when you become aware of My Indwelling Presence and start reorganizing your inner and outer worlds to make more room for Me.

“What a joyous moment it is when Our ‘spiritual rookies’ start speaking to Us—using their own words, rather than generic platitudes. This is what We have been waiting for and no one should ever doubt the fact that they have been pre-qualified to establish this inner connection.

“As you intend to do so, after a possible initial moment of awkwardness due to the fact that this is new territory for you, you will start relaxing in the moment and notice that more and more words will spill out of your heart and that you will find comfort in sincerely confiding in Me about whatever you are dealing with in your life. We are actually dealing with it together as, whether or not you understand it, I am in the know and in the forever now.

“Whenever faced with difficult decisions or life’s events, it always does good to reach out to others as they can help you cope and they can help uplift your spirit. I am such a Friend—frequently aching to see you confide in Me as I know what I can bring to the table. Do not be shy, dear ones. Take the first step; open the door of your mind; open the door of your heart and allow for the refreshing wind of inner change to chase away what is stale in your inner world and make room for beautiful energies to move in.”

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