The Inner Sherpa



Thought Adjuster: “Any worthy creative endeavor should be preceded with forethought and the articulation of a clear intention to prevent accidental 'messy creations.' It should be a ‘pre-meditated’ willful act—not the byproduct of unwise impulses. To live with awareness is to be conscious of your motivations. Do you co-create with an intention that safeguards the highest good of all or is it merely aimed at short-sighted self-gratification? The first case scenario goes by the Divine Rule of thumb, while the second attitude cannot but yield unsatisfactory results, as physical gratification comes with an expiration date.

“The fundamental question to ask yourself is: “Am I creating or co-creating?” Indeed, you were not conceived as loose cannons, hazardous to the welfare of your entourage and species. You were empowered with ‘co-creative’ powers. The Owner’s Manual, should there be one, would read: “Handle your creative powers with utmost care and at your own risk.” It also would list a Customer Service Hot Line, connecting you with a faculty of highly qualified Spiritual Advisors—your sounding board whenever you encounter unforeseen glitches in your creative undertaking.

“You can only meaningfully co-create if your will is in alignment with the manifestation of Truth, Beauty, and Goodness—the attributes of the Divine Will. Anything else amounts to 'mis-creations'—eyesores in the cosmic landscape.

“Dear ones, introspection should help you articulate the best intentions, as the creative process originates in the mind—the drafting board that ensures the do-ability, safety, worthiness, and life-expectancy of a project before setting it in motion. Are you shooting for a masterpiece or setting the bar of your quality control way to low?

“Take pride in your co-creative endeavors. Intend for them to be ‘soul lifters,’ as such an intention is love-infused—in total agreement with the Father’s Will. The rest will organically flow out of such a high intention, as the Father will blend His creative juices into yours and power your engine with His Steam.”

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