The Inner Sherpa



“Do not make the mistake of judging another’s religion by your own standards of knowledge and truth.” [UB, 101:9.2]

Thought Adjuster: “As imperfect evolutionary creatures, how can you be so sure that your religious belief system should be indiscriminately imposed uponothers? Good intentions do not give you carte blanche to exert undue pressure on others. It may turn out to be quite hazardous to both parties.

You may view yourself as XXL in spiritual matters—a subjective assessment leading you to look down on those you consider as XXS. Your condescendence may be felt like a form of bullying to those who lack self-confidence, shrinking, even more, their stunted sense of self-respect.

Jesus came FOR ALL and cleverly customized his teachings to meet individual needs—in a one-to-one crowd approach. Even his apostles displayed wide-apart spiritual needs. He challenged all within the limitations of their unique personality. He stressed the value of any contribution, thus enheartening the contributors instead of discouraging them.

Parents closely monitor theirchildren's shoe sizes for a comfortable fit. Tight shoes would give them blisters while oversized ones would cause them to trip over. Injuries could occur in both cases due to misfits.

You all start in spiritual infancy to grow ATYOUR OWN PACE. Life orchestrates growth-promoting situations and reenacts them until you declare yourself ready to grab the bull by the horns.

Jesus’ trademark approach was to take both knees down. Humility was the most admirable trait of his godlike personality. He went down on his knees to wash the feet of those you would label as deplorable while simultaneously bowingto his Father—ever inconspicuous, never ostentatious.”

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