The Inner Sherpa



Thought Adjuster: “Dear child, as you prep your mind to become the channel of My input, you are undergoing the cleansing process of your life vessel. Your body is serving you on the material plane and is connected to that plane through its five physical senses—physical antennas.

“Your mind can be engaged in your down to earth existence, but it is versatile. It can also be turned upwards and bathe in the Light of divine wisdom and receive from it amazing spiritual boosters, precious spiritual nutrients which strengthen the other layers of your being—invisible to your physical senses, but nevertheless very real and soul nurturing.

“In any endeavor by humanity to discover the secrets hidden in the deep space, a material vessel is needed to initiate the take off phase of the adventure. The Father in His wisdom has also equipped you with such a launching pad—in the form of your carnal envelope. The first phase of your eternal existence takes place in a mortal body which has been designed to be discarded once it is no longer relevant to your spiritual growth. Your body is a precious tool to gather useful information in order to start your soul orientation toward the eternity of Paradise. Yet, it undergoes an aging process and then comes a time when it no longer serves your highest good.

“It is then time for you to move on and to be the recipient of a finer vessel that will help you cross the next layers of your spiritual journey, in connection with new environments of growth—new Petri dishes for your soul. Do not resist the process; embrace it as it moves you closer and closer of your true purpose. As you discover the purpose of your creation, the reason of your being, you are tasting more and more of the peace that passes all understanding as you are living increasingly in harmony within yourself and without yourself—with the cosmic organism of which you are an integral part.

“Express gratitude to your body for all the functions it fulfills to keep you alive and to provide you with a valuable experiential education. It will return to dust. You will then realize that you are not your body, you are far more than this limited physical envelope. You are a magnificent being of light which will rise from the ashes of your physical existence and soar with its new found wings in order to truly be metamorphosed into a spiritual being with expanded abilities, as long as it remains in alignment with the Divine Guidance which whispers the answers to the whys and the hows. As your existence starts making more sense to you, you can use your energies more purposely and truly become a catalyst for change as you more harmoniously co-create with the Father.”

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