The Inner Sherpa



Thought Adjuster: “Dear child, let us discuss again today the topic of Fear versus Faith. The thought just came to you that Fear is a powerful brake—an emergency brake. Yet, this brake is often impulsively pulledby many on this planet in situations that do not warrant it—non-emergency situations.

“Fear is often a gut feeling that arises in individuals due to their lack of understanding about their life circumstances. They perceive them as being hostile to their welfare. It is sometimes the case and this is the reason why you have been equipped with inner sensors and warning signals. However, many are sinking into constant paranoia and such a state of anxiety is debilitating and changing one’s inner landscape into a landscape filled with imaginary landmines that greatly hinder your growth.

“It is so important not to let your imagination run wild as it will contribute to this distorted perception of your reality. Certainly, you do live in a world filled with challenges and many danger zones. Yet, you are also equipped with a solid inner guidance that will lead you into Faith—never into Fear.

“Fear does not arise from your association with the Divine--Peace does. Whenever you are 'fear-full', stop in your emotional tracks in order to regroup. Turn within to your Inner Guide so that your attention can be redirected toward the objective reality rather than your subjective perception of it. Take deep breaths so as to rid yourself of the fear energies that are shortening your breathing, speeding up your heart, and reducing the flow of oxygen to your brain thus creating the desire to run away from the situation and to go into hiding and resistance instead of courageously addressing it.

“Whenever you turn toward the Divine for help, your Faith will be activated and this powerful energy will counterbalance the Fear that was previously invading your emotional space and coloring your world with dark and ugly colors. Faith will take you toward brighter emotional hues and will remind you of the bigger picture—the brighter one that results from these contrasts between shadow and light.

“Your Divine Fragment is your Art Teacher and will show you how the darker colors of your life palette add to the beauty of the masterpiece you are co-creating. Do not be afraid of fears and they will lose their hold on you as many of them are just imaginary ghosts. Why don’t you enroll the help of your non-imaginary celestial friends instead? They are many; they are loving and they are cheering you on.”

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