The Inner Sherpa



“Judge not the soul nor evaluate its destiny by the standard of a single unfortunate human episode.” [UB 1739:04]

Thought Adjuster: “‘the Father works in mysterious ways’ and His views are set within the scope of eternity. He knows the end from the beginning and does not get stuck, as human beings are prone to, on unfortunate occurrences that may temporarily affect the present moment but are of no eternal import since they can be corrected. ‘This too shall pass’ is the silver lining of difficult situations.

“The Father knows that His children are moving from an initial state of ignorance, imperfection and immaturity toward one of ever expanding knowledge and understanding, growing perfection and soul maturity. Parents do not expect that their little ones make no errors. Instead, they know that errors are great teachers and that such experiences can serve as valuable lessons and future deterrents under their wise guidance. Where there is no intended offense, forgiveness is a given as the Father is your greatest cheerleader—cheering you forward in Love without handicapping you with the unnecessary dead weight of guilt and shame.

“Human beings live on ground zero and cannot see themselves from such an expanded higher perspective; they tend to see many decisions as set in stone and exaggerate their impact on their own life or those of others. In your planetary history, many great men were late bloomers and their destiny unfolded as a pleasant surprise, contrary to the anticipations of those who claimed to know them. There truly is a ‘before’ and an ‘after’ picture of you, since you are in a state of constant ‘becoming.’

“As you evolve and grow, you may even come to look at the ‘former you’ as very foreign to the ‘current you.’ This validates the fact that you are constantly being shaped and transformed. What matters is that you set higher intentions for your life—that are more in alignment with the divine intentions that the Father set for it at your conception. Why settle for less than your divinely preordained greatness?

“Indeed, some human life episodes are unfortunate. Yet, they do not have to suffer lasting adverse effects. What matters is that, once a soul recognizes the error of its ways, it repents and by doing so changes its course. This is a true ‘conversion’ experience and such experiences are powerful.

“Prior to his conversion on the road to Damascus, Saul was a very hardened individual who did not hesitate to kill those who did not embrace his views. After his conversion experience, he became a strong advocate for the Father. The Father gave you your unique personality with the vision that you would be of great import in the establishment of His spiritual kingdom. Learn to view yourself under such a light rather than over focusing on your shortcomings. Forgive yourself as the Father forgives you and get back on your spiritual feet! As the sun rises anew each morning, each day provides you with new opportunities to gain mastery over yourself and to make the Father proud. He is not one to slam shut the door to eternity based on a fleeting unfortunate incident of time.This is not how Love works.”

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