The Inner Sherpa



Thought Adjuster: “Let us talk about how to get a Faith Lift, using as a metaphor the aesthetic face lift procedure that some among you opt to receive in order to erase some unwelcome flaws. They pay top dollars for it and turn to a reputable cosmetic surgeon who helps them devise a treatment plan to reach the desired outcome.

After the intervention, they are also willing to go through the difficult recovery period where they are blue in the face, swollen, and bandaged. Let us now apply this comparison to your faith lift.

The condition of your faith greatly varies among you. Some of you rarely flex their faith muscles and their faith is slack and weak. Others participate more actively in their faith exercises but stick to the same routine and fail to benefit from a more challenging workout. It could well be that their faith is based on outdated dogma and belief systems, but they are hesitant to leave this comfort zone that no longer bring results in their spiritual development, but maintains a status quo.

In order to be lifted, your faith has to be challenged. It has to be receptive to Divine Intervention—the Life Coaching of Spirit, your onboard Partner, and Consultant. Why would you give preference to less reputable outside consultants when you are blessed with the benevolent services of a Personal Trainer?

Allow Me to scrub away the dead cells of your spiritual body. Allow Me to give you a gentle faith lift that will greatly improve your spiritual complexion. I need your wholehearted permission—your waiver. Be assured that I will immediately jump to higher service. This is the reason why I came to indwell you. I will reveal to you unsuspected spiritual flavors and you will feel alive as never before.”

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