The Inner Sherpa



Thought Adjuster: “Dear child, spiritual gifts are to be shared ad infinitum. The Master multiplied the bread and the fish to feed a crowd. How much more can spiritual food be multiplied in order to be shared? Truly, there is no limits but for the receptivity of the creature.

“As an ascending spiritual being, you are being fed many spiritual tidbits of truth, the spiritual manna that the Father provides to all His growing children, based on their immediate needs. This is why patience is required in that process as growth cannot be forced but can definitely be monitored and supported by the right input.

“As you grow, you grow in your capacity for understanding. Any knowledge exceeding your capacity will either bore you or overwhelm you as you are not attuned yet to that level of knowledge. Do not compare yourself with others as they too are receiving based on their own abilities. What matters is that everyone learns to share with those who are asking similar questions; whatever knowledge is being revealed to one person is for the purpose of being taught to others as well.

“As you receive precious enlightenment, you feel the inner joy that it brings you and the urge to share the good news with others. The Father equipped all His creatures with such a desire to share. On your planet, that desire is frequently being subjugated by the small ego that is afraid of losing something in the process.

Such is not the case. Paradoxically, the more you share, the richer you become. This is a spiritual principle. The more the Father shares of Himself, the more He grows in His own experience and expands His own being as more and more of His creatures are reflecting back to Him their divine qualities.

“As you intensify your desire to help others at all levels, you will receive the means to do so and you will greatly benefit from it in your own ascension. Keep working at opening and at expanding your heart and you will become love dynamos as the Father will keep refilling your being with His love substance. What a privilege it is!”

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