The Inner Sherpa



“Fear, envy, and conceit can be prevented only by intimate contact with other minds.” [1776:01]

Still Small Voice: “The above statement is well worth being fleshed out. Fear, envy and conceit are malignant emotions that have to be nipped in the bud in order to prevent them from causing havoc in your inner and outer life.

“Fear is very debilitating and many fears are unfounded fears, generated unconsciously be a fertile imagination that visits possibilities that may or may never be manifested in reality. Of course, human beings also deal with fearful reactions when exposed to real danger.

“In both cases, it brings comfort to the individual suffering from bouts of fear or anxiety to turn to those who are more resilient against such rampant fears, as fears can be very contagious. By honestly admitting to their fears, they get to look at them from a different perspective as they sollicit sound feedback. Unrealistic fears can be more easily dispelled as there have no real substance—they are ghost fears. However, when experiencing debilitating fears, a group has to learn to ‘regroup’ around higher emotions—to calm down by appealing to their inner sense of peace or by selecting the most ‘fearless’ spokesperson.

“Whenever you deal with envy, it is also helpful to learn more about those you are the object of your envy. It may appear to you that they have been unfairly dealt a much better deck of cards. Yet, if you take the time to get to know them, you will come to realize that no life is not devoid of suffering and challenges, possibly in areas where you have been abundantly blessed.

“Lastly, conceit is ‘concocted’ in isolation or secrecy. Again, remaining connected to other minds in order to benefit from their light when you feel drawn by darkness is a wonderful antidote. Judas, who betrayed Jesus, was a very isolated and prideful personality and that rendered him vulnerable to the festering emotions of jealousy, envy and conceit. He could have confided to Jesus or to his fellow disciples about the temptations that were preying on him. Yet, he failed to do so and it resulted in a tragedy of gigantic proportions. After following through with his misguided agenda, he felt so much despair and remorse that he ended his own life.

“Remember that you are NEVER alone, even though you may not always have caring human listeners to turn to. You are indwelt by your very own Divine Fragment—your Thought Adjuster. By turning inward and confiding your troubles to your ever present and very real Friend, you can receive much needed orientation and inner strength to resist being taken over by these hostile emotions that never serve your best interests.

“Intimate contact with ‘other minds’—wisely selected—is indeed your life line when you find yourself on shaky emotional grounds. The Spirit of Truth and the Holy Spirit are also universal spiritual influences that can assist you in God victoriously overcoming the nasty emotions of fear, envy and conceit. Turn to them or to Spirit-led individuals whenever such emotional emergencies arise and you will develop strong spiritual antibodies.”

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