The Inner Sherpa



‘If you love people, they will draw near you—you will have no difficulty in winning them.’ [UB 1452:02]

Teacher: “Dear child, we are connecting in Love and Peace. This is the only way for us to connect with you as we are the Ambassadors of the Father’s Love and of His Peace that passes all understanding. From that point of view, your heart is the most precious organ of your being—at all levels.

“Love can only be felt by the heart. You heart contains it and distributes it to your being through its own circulatory system. There is no such thing as ‘mental’ love even though infatuation is frequently mislabeled as Love.

“Whenever you desire to connect with us, you have to bring your whole attention to your heart and it will expand its ability to receive our messages. Love is always a partner of Truth in our teachings as we well know from experience that Truth spoken without Love becomes a weapon that causes much damage to the one it is directed to. This is worth pondering.

“Good parents will wisely and gently guide their children in the right direction by positively reinforcing the good in them. Only then—once an emotional safety net has been put in place—will they point out some areas in need of improvement. This is the purpose of any education: to guide without crushing the fragile wings of the creature so that it can eventually master the art of flying.

“Blunt truth can be compared to the famous elephant in a china store. This is not the way of the Father. Truth is not to be used as an arrow to pierce hearts. It should rather strive to reveal a welcome shortcut on the map of someone’s life and to also provide meaningful clues in order to fix what may be broken within the individual or expand what may be still underdeveloped.

“Blunt truth seriously jeopardizes someone’s wellbeing as it tears emotional band aids without merciful anesthesia. Truth and the art of diplomacy need to be combined in the settling of differences. This is how you become an Ambassador of Spirit—the Spirit of Truth and the Holy Spirit who ever collaborate in Truth and Love.

“Dear ones, do not speak your truth at the expense of Love as it would in no way reflect the Father’s Truth. “Is it loving, is it kind, is it necessary?” are the three questions you need to answer with a resounding ‘yes’ whenever you intend to speak your truth. This will ensure that it is in alignment with God’s Truth.”

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