The Inner Sherpa



"Real families are built upon tolerance, patience, and forgiveness.” [UB 1604:06]

Thought Adjuster: “Dear child, the thought came to your mind that the Family of God forms many concentric circles around the First Source and Center. You could compare it with sitting around a camp fire—not too close so as not to be burnt by its intensity; not too far, so as to be blessed with its warmth.

“As the children of the same Divine Family, you have to learn to form an unbroken Circle of Love around your Divine Parents. Circles are formed around bonfires by joining hands and encircling this warm and living entity. Thus, everyone is included and feelings of closeness, bonding, and belonging arise, accompanied by much inner joy.

“This is how the Father would like to see you treat one another. In a celebration around a bonfire, minds disengage from mundane chatters and all focus is redirected to the hearts that increasingly open as the circle comes to life. Such a circle becomes a Merkabah of the hearts. This is the reason why so many native cultures held their gatherings around the hearth—the heart of their community.

“You are part of one big family. Stop bickering over trivial and purely intellectual matters. Rather, look for heart openings; get to know one another at the heart level as it is where the feeling of brotherhood resides. It is saddening for the Father to witness when His family is infighting. Where does that stem from? Very frequently, from the desire to be right and from judging others based on one’s own limited understanding of Truth.

“How many times in the course of your life have you been led to revise your perception of truth? Isn’t it a natural and ongoing process in your progression? Why then are you so impatient with your siblings when they do not think alike or feel alike? Tolerance, Patience and Forgiveness are truly the elements that hold a family together. They are its glue, its connective tissue and healing balm. As you encounter conflicts with one another, keep this’ emergency kit’ handy so as to preserve the family unity. This is how Jesus lived His life. He understood the diversity of the creation; He knew that time is needed for any growth to take place; he forgave instantly any offenses based on ignorance and childish immaturity.

“Yours is to cultivate such values in your life. They are highly transformative and will contribute to a more cohesive world, as well as a more cohesive self. Patience toward yourself and others keeps you ‘peaceful.’ Isn’t Peace worth being cultivated and expanded? Love and Patience are going hand in hand. Love is patient and patience is kind. Each day provides ample opportunities to practice the mastery of these emotions. Walk in My Peace and share My Love. This will give you a commanding presence and you will truly become an instrument of Peace. May Peace prevail on Earth!”

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