The Inner Sherpa



Thought Adjuster: “You can look at your life from the perspective of the increasing mastery of mind over matter. When you first emerge into this world as a baby, the first year of your life is pretty much spent to orientate you to get control over your physical body—to get good at using it. At first, you need the constant help of ‘grown-ups’ but you move toward your own independence as you master more and more personal skills.

“Then comes the time when you are able to use other modes of transportation beyond the one of your physical vehicle. You learn to ride a bike—using training wheels at first. As you grow older, you take lessons to operate a car—a faster mode of transportation. Then, some of you get their pilot’s license and gain access to the skies. Some brave adventurers even travel in shuttles that take them to outer space.

“Each step of the way, the mind has to gain mastery over matter. It is sitting at the control tower, so to speak. The same evolutionary process applies to the inner realms of your being. After the initial getting in touch with the physical aspect of your being, you learn to use it ‘wisely.’ Wisdom is a spiritual attribute—not a physical one. There are many qualities and values that act as bridges between the realms of your physical reality and your spiritual one. Once you become aware of your spirituality, it is the vantage point from which you will learn to function and make decisions that impact your eternal destiny.

“Mind over Matter is the key to unleashing your powers. You are still utterly unaware of many of them. They will be revealed to you one by one as you qualify to put them to ‘good’ use. A loving parent will not hand over the car keys to a small infant, knowing that it would endanger its safety and the safety of others.

“Dear ones, practice self-mastery—the mastery of your mind over your body. This is what this life is all about. It serves as your training wheels to acquire such a level of self-mastery that more can—and will be—entrusted to you, guaranteeing an ever-expanding and thrilling life’s experience.”

© The 11:11 Progress Group.

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