The Inner Sherpa



“Those who know God have experienced the fact of his presence; such God-knowing mortals hold in their personal experience the only positive proof of the existence of the living God which one human being can offer to another.” [UB 24:06]

Teacher: “Dear child, as you ready yourself to receive our input, you entertain moments of doubt as to whether or not you will be receptive. In order to be fully receptive, you need to RELAX at all levels of your being. Indeed, a deep state of relaxation is what successfully sets the stage for your receptivity.

“Whenever your body is tense, your breathing is shallow, which in turn accelerates your heartbeat. Whenever your heart beats in that mode, emotions of anguish and uneasiness may arise within you. The emotional ripple effect of such tension becomes also felt on the inner as everything in your being is interconnected.

“This being said, it is logical that, if you consciously slow down your breathing and release any tension you may feel on the inner or the outer, this will greatly facilitate a deep state of receptivity in your being. Once your breathing is slow and steady, your heartbeat follows suit and you are able to disengage yourself from your attachments to your physical reality and dive into the spiritual one.

“This is where we connect with you—on the inner. Once your mind has become calm and placid, we can start interacting with you on that mental plane—the plane where your Divine Fragment and all higher spiritual influences interact with you.

“Indeed your mind is the bridge between our realities if you use it that way. Whenever you are in a state of restlessness, agitation is experienced at all levels of your being and prevents the inner dust to settle, so to speak. Therefore, it should be your priority to ‘tame’ your thoughts and your feelings as Spirit cannot interact with you in your agitated state just like parents have a tough time getting through to their little ones when they are restless and rowdy. They have to get them to quiet down in order to spend quality time with them.

“Take time daily to cultivate such an inner state that is conducive to confidences—yours and the ones of Spirit. Spirit whispers so as to get your undivided attention and establish a very intimate zone of contact that is also your personal access to the peace that passes all understanding—a peace that very few get to taste and that is unforgettable once experienced.”

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