The Inner Sherpa



Thought Adjuster: “I AM. Why do I only speak of Myself in the present tense? This is due to the fact that My nature is forever UNCHANGING. Unlike My still imperfect children of time and space, I AM existential—not evolutionary in that sense.

Any ‘evolving’ being or creature has a history—a progress report. A seedling could say of itself: “I was a tiny seed once; I will be a mighty tree someday.” Indeed, it is undergoing a constant metamorphosis toward the completion and the fullness of its being—toward the moment when it will be able to say: “I Am a mighty tree.” When its destiny as a tree has been fulfilled, it will live on as a tree and its identity as a tree will be complete. From then on, it will ‘exist’ as a tree.

This simple metaphor is meant to help you understand the reliability of My unchanging nature. My attributes of Truth, Beauty, and Goodness are WHO I AM. There is no way and no how that this will ever change.

Human beings, due to their experiential curve of acquiring self-mastery, oscillate between absolute and imperfect values. They have a past that contains a medley of both good and bad experiences. They change daily. They say: “I am no longer who I once was.” They look at their past with nostalgia or regret, depending on their achievements or lack thereof.

Human beings are also driven by the hope for better days—a hope that I instill in them knowing of the potentiality of such better days. They strive to become the best they can be. They envision in the future tense the better version of themselves or of their lives.

Then, in the far distant future, the day will come when they will have reached complete harmony within themselves and they will fuse with Me, their Divine Counterpart—their indwelling I AM who patiently waits for that moment.

Once you reach stability in your godlike personality, you will speak of yourself with confidence in the present tense: I Am loving, I Am beautiful, I Am Good, I Am Truthful. I am stable. You will have reached a point of no return. What I mean by that is that like a butterfly, you will have left your history as a caterpillar behind—never to be one again. Its emergence as a butterfly is the inauguration of its true nature and the breathtaking beauty of its wings is the testimony of who it truly IS.”

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