The Inner Sherpa



Thought Adjuster: “Dear child, the thought came to your mind that Truth may hurt at times but that it also heals. Indeed, Truth may require tearing the protective band aids of denial that have been urgently put on wounds in the hope that they would heal. However, without the scalpel of Truth being carefully handled in order to remove the dead cells of untruth, the root of the problems may not be addressed and the wounds will continue to suppurate.

“It takes courage to face the music—to be willing to hear the undiluted truth. Many times, truth is being watered down in order to make it more palatable as the whole truth may seem brutal to those who have lived in avoidance for so long. Yet, only the Truth shall set you free from self-lies and distorted perceptions. Don’t you want to live a life based on the solid ground of truth rather than on misguided illusions?

“Truth is a revelation that is available upon asking. “Ask and you shall receive” will be forever the key to expand your inner truth as by asking, you are placing yourself in a state of receptivity. Such an asking requires courage as it may start a domino effect that may appear frightening at first. By asking, you are setting the Truth in motion. Such a truth in motion has great transformative power. It may need to level at first all shaky foundations of untruth and this may be initially experienced as a destabilizing factor in your life. Truth may “hit” you in the face but by doing so, it is also waking you up to the reality of things that you were previously avoiding as a mean of self-preservation. Yet you were only preserving the small and immature self.

“Truth is the element that helps the small self break through its protective shell of denial. Truth is a transformative element; if adhered to, it will shape a new reality based on a strong and enduring foundation.

“The Spirit of Truth is a powerful spiritual influence that has been set free on the day of Pentecost in order to guide from within those questioning souls wanting to set the record of their lives straight. Your “true” self hungers for the truth that shall set if free from the bondage of lies. Don’t you long to know who you truly are? Don’t you want the wool of untruth to be pulled from your eyes so that you can see clearly in which direction to take your next step, and the next one.Truth will be revealed to you in small increments on a "need to know basis" so as not to overwhelm you but to empower you."

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