The Inner Sherpa



Thought Adjuster: “Let us speak about the Intelligence of the Heart. The Father’s intelligence is omnipresent and this means that it also infuses His love. The Father’s intelligence comes from His heart; it could not be otherwise since Love is at the inception of All That Is. The First Source and Center is the eternal spring of Love. The creation was not a mere intellectual creative process. It was a loving process as love was its primordial motivation. The Father’s circuitry never bypasses the heart. Love is the seal of approval of the cosmos as love is the connective tissue between All That Is.

“In your daily activities, ensure that your heart is truly activated at all times as it is the purifying filter of your actions. Whenever you act from the head, without engaging your heart, you cannot conceive anything of eternal value. A friendship has to be a heart connection. You can engage in stimulating intellectual exchanges with others and they may bring some level of satisfaction to your mind, but the people you will remember are the ones who have earned a place in your heart—the depository of all loving interactions.

“Learn to drop into your heart and to express your love at the various levels of your life: Love yourself, love others, love what you do, love what you create. This will ensure that you function from the highest level available to you,as where there is love, there is God.

“Love can only touch your being through your heart. A closed heart is a closed door and an open heart is an invitation card telling that you are available, that you are receptive.

“The intelligence of the heart also involves your intuition. Your thinking has to be tempered by heart intelligence as it will become a safeguard against any destructive and harmful consequences of your thinking and doing. Your heart is a powerful dynamo that needs to be kept running so that your life is meaningful and exerts only a positive influence.

“Can you imagine a world of open hearts? Even though your world seems so remote from that state, many hearts are opening and blooming like beautiful multi-colored flowers. Allow your heart to be touched by the truth, the beauty and the goodness pouring from other hearts and you will respond in kind. Love activates love. It may have to be primed at first through the setting of conscious higher intentions, but it will eventually start flowing from your being as it was intended by the Creator. You will only find your true self when your heart has been wholly opened. This is your life assignment. This is your highest priority as everything else will fall into place from that point of Love.”

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