The Inner Sherpa



“The Kingdom of Heaven is neither material nor merely intellectual; it is a spiritual relationship between God and man.” [UB 1486:05]

Thought Adjuster: “The above statement is very rich in content. Man’s longings to gain access to the Promised Land designated as the “Kingdom of Heaven” are far from being realistic, as there is much faulty interpretation attached to that term.

Jesus explained it in a few pointed words: “The Kingdom is within you.” It is indeed very important to realize that it is foremost the fulfillment of an inner ‘match made in Heaven’—a spiritual connection that can fully satisfy the innate longings of your heart.

Everyone knows by now that “money can’t buy happiness.” As well, intellectual wealth does not suffice to take you to that blissful state. The Heart is ALWAYS where the answers can be found, as it is the very core of your being.

Nothing is really right in your life if you are not engaged in loving relationships. No matter how much you possess, no matter how much you know, you would be fooling yourself if you believed it is enough to bring you total and lasting happiness.

Indeed, there are very deep emotions within yourself that are waiting for their full activation. How often do you experience bliss? How often are youdriven by an irresistible impulse of Love? How often do you place others’ needs before yours? How often do you experience relationships or friendships that you do not grow weary of?

Take a moment to reflect on what would contribute to such a state of complete inner contentment? Wouldn’t such a state translate in the manner you lead your life?

It all begins with your relationship with your Maker—the King of your Secret Garden. Once you more consciously invite your Divine Indweller in your life, you will start experiencing a very real inner shift. You will be guided to unlock the secret chambers of your heart and allow them to be flooded by the Guiding Light. You will start experiencing feelings of a much higher caliber that will drive you to maintain a high spiritual state. No matter what life throws at you, you will be able to remain anchored in a place of Gratitude, knowing that I will never let go of your hand and that My Strength will carry you over the hurdles. You will experience the Peace that passes all understanding. This is what you are searching for. This is how you will know for sure that you found your way Home.”

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